Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Peppy's Target Practise

Good morning everyone.

Not long now until jolly old Saint Nick arrives.  Preparations are steaming along here.  But with 3 markets and a whole lot of appointments between now and the 25th, a clone of myself wouldn't go astray. 

I am glad that we only have one elf in this house though!  Cheeky little Peppy got up to some more mischief last night.  He thought he would do some target practise in the kitchen with marshmallows.

There were marshmallows everywhere! They weren't limited to the bench either. They were on the floor, in the hat rack and one even made it to the front door!

Of course Peppy managed to hit the bullseye!

He is looking pretty pleased with himself, sitting up there on the rangehood with his Angry Birds slingshot.

I do however get a sense of tension between Mr McJingles and the Skylanders clan.  I hope this target practise isn't the start of something else brewing. Time will tell.

Hopefully his return tomorrow will be a little less messy, and a bit more calmer.

Until then

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